Website Design & Development

Group Services

Responsibilities of the Group Services Committee

The Group Services Committee is responsible for:

  1. communicating to groups what Intergroup is and why they should get active in its activities;
  2. welcoming new Representatives to Intergroup, providing them with a copy of these Procedures and any other explanatory or background
    material that can help the new Representative become familiar with Intergroup;
  3. encouraging new Representatives to serve Intergroup in other capacities;
  4. informing new Representatives of their duties and how best to carry them out;
  5. encouraging Groups to financially support Central Office;
  6. acting as a communication medium between Intergroup and the Groups;
  7. maintaining a contact list for all Groups;
  8. in cooperation with the Central Office Manager, updating the Group registration and information forms twice a year;
  9. when requested, addressing concerns that may arise or bringing these concerns to the Operating Committee; and
  10. preparing and administering an annual budget for operation of the Committee.