Website Design & Development

Communication Services Committee

Responsibilities of Communication Services Committee

The Communication Services Committee is responsible for the following tasks:

  1. creation and management of a website for Edmonton and Area Intergroup;
  2. the management of the Central Office e-mail system;
  3. the design, installation and maintenance of the technical systems within Central Office, including ensuring security and integrity;
  4. the creation and management of any electronic newsletters produced for Central Office;
  5. updating policies and procedures of the Communications and Technology Committee as needed; and
  6. preparing and administering an annual budget for the Communications and Technology Committee.


The Mission of the Communication Services Committee is to employ technology to:

  1. carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to the still suffering alcoholic;
  2. to increase overall awareness of the AA membership relative to the purpose, objectives and happenings of Central Office;
  3. to encourage Group involvement in Intergroup and Central Office within the Edmonton area by having members informed of issues and ideas in a timely fashion;
  4. to co-ordinate and support the activities of the present and future Groups;
  5. to better inform the membership of upcoming events and to invite and encourage participation in said events; and
  6. to ensure that the policies and procedures of the Committee are developed within the framework of the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous and its spirit of anonymity.

Delegated Responsibility

To support accomplishing the assigned tasks of the committee while keeping in mind our 3rd Concept in regards to “Right of Decision”, this committee delegates responsibility to the following committee positions:

  • Web Administrator
    1. to handle the administration of the website (responsibility 1),
    2. to participate in committee decisions in regards to policy and procedures (responsibility 5), and
    3. to provide input in regards to creating an annual budget (responsibility 6);
  • Newsletter Editor
    1. to manage the creation of our monthly “ECO Newsletter” with input from Central Office staff and our group members (responsibility 4),
    2. to manage the electronic Newsletter subscription list and email notification for downloading the newsletter (responsibility 4),
    3. to participate in committee decisions in regards to policy and procedures (responsibility 5), and
    4. to provide input in regards to creating an annual budget (responsibility 6);
  • Web Master
    1. to manage website core software updates, new feature creation, and  to handle all security related items (responsibility 1),
    2. to back up the IT Administrator managing the email system (responsibility 2),
    3. to support the IT Administrator maintaining office systems (responsibility 3),
    4. to assist the Newsletter Editor in generating the automated email notification for downloading the newsletter (responsibility 4),
    5. to participate in committee decisions in regards to policy and procedures (responsibility 5),
    6. to provide input in regards to creating an annual budget (responsibility 6), and
    7. to provide technical support and/or training to other team members, as needed (responsibilities 1, 2, 3, 4);
  • IT Administrator
    1. to manage the Central Office email system (responsibility 2),
    2. to manage technical systems within the Central Office with major input from the Office Manager (responsibility 3),
    3. to participate in committee decisions in regards to policy and procedures (responsibility 5),
    4. to provide input in regards to creating an annual budget (responsibility 6), and
    5. to provide technical support and/or training to other team members, as needed (responsibilities 1, 2, 3, 4);
  • Committee Chair
    1. to interact and receive feedback with the Intergroup officers, committee chairs, and the Office Manager in regards to planned actions and on-going status of current work (this is done at the monthly Central Office Operating Committee meeting which the chair is required to attend),
    2. to provide a written committee report at the monthly Intergroup meeting,  
    3. to chair committee decisions in regards to policy and procedures (responsibility 5),
    4. to create an annual budget for the committee (responsibility 6), and
    5. to act as a communication link between committee’s members and others