Website Design & Development

12 Step Calls Committee

Responsibilities of the Twelfth Step Committee

The Twelfth Step Committee is responsible for the operation of the Alcoholics Anonymous telephone answering service, which is operated by an outside contractor, a service to allow the still suffering alcoholic to call after regular office hours and be put in touch with a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. This includes:

  1. Monitoring of the Alcoholics Anonymous telephone answering service;
  2. Coordinating Groups to monitor Alcoholics Anonymous telephone answering service;
  3. Locating, organizing and assisting AA Groups to monitor Alcoholics Anonymous telephone answering service;
  4. Communicating with the representatives of the answering service and providing them with the names and phone numbers of the current members of the Twelfth Step Committee;
  5. Compiling and maintaining a list of Members willing to carry out Twelfth Step work in the Edmonton and Area;
  6. Submitting yearly to the Intergroup Operating Committee and the Central Office Manager a listing of names of AA Groups and the contacts of those Groups committed to answering phones for the upcoming year and advise of changes made during the year;
  7. Preparing and administering an annual budget for operation of the committee.

Sign up to take 12 Step Calls

Before you sign up to take 12-Step-Calls, we suggest that you talk to your sponsor and read up on what you can do to be of service.

If you are an AA member who would like to volunteer to do 12 step calls, please fill out this online form here.

We will confirm your registration or ask for more information as required.