Website Design & Development

PICPC Events

PI/CPC Speakers – Book an Event

Register to be a speaker or to simply observe an event by clicking on the listed event title link. Follow the directions there to let our Speaker Coordinator know what you want to do and they will get back to you (usually within a day or two) to confirm you as ‘Booked’ or not for the engagement you selected.

List View Month View


[eo_events event_category=”pi-event,cpc-event” numberposts=5 showpastevents=false] %event_title% on %start{jS M Y}{ g:i:a}%, at %event_venue%
%event_content% [/eo_events]

[eo_calendar event_category (pi-event, cpc-event)]

Message From PI/CPC

As another month rolls by, we have not had many requests for speaking events, due to the Pandemic.  There are a few Zoom CALM (Career and Life Management) High School events scheduled for December 2020.   If you would like to see what we do, why not register as a “shadow” at one of our December sessions?  No participation is required as a shadow - simply register for the event and join on ZOOM.  You can also check out our PI/CPC Committee meeting which takes place on the third Wednesday of each month @ 6:00 p.m.

Our website is fully self-serve and is updated on a regular basis, as event requests are received.  Simply choose the event you want to participate in by selecting the “Event Title link” and then follow the prompts.  

Contact the committee chair (Cordell) for further information or if you need help getting signed up. 

Stay Safe!

Yours in Service