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HTML Popup Content Template for Web Admins


Modify the source code to display your own message

Things to note or remember:

  1. You will walk through each line of code under the 'Source' code button, to change, remove, or leave each line as is.
  2. You can Delete the first paragraph (p) line (right after the template Header Section) if you don't want anything visible at the page landing spot of your feature (you most likely only want your popup to be visible). If you keep it though, it will be the first line visible in the editor word processing window.
  3. If Settings are set to use Auto Open then you can also Remove the button line as you probably don't want anything visible except for your popup. If kept, you may want to change the 'Open Popup' text to something more meaningful.
  4. The first div tag is the first line of your popup code.It is Required and must be kept; it's dialog id suffix must match the unique Popup Id you assigned in Settings. The default is 01. The display: 'none' can be changed to 'inline' if you want to make the contents visible in the word processing window.
  5. All the code after the dialog - 01 div tag(except for the last closing div tag) is optional.If you chose to remove it all you would have an empty popup with no content.
  6. The headline div is your attention grabber.Make it something meaningful. You can change the look of the headline by changing the h1 tag to either h2 or h3.
  7. The hyperlink div line points to the website 'Delgate Page'. Either edit it to suit your needs or remove the whole line.
  8. The 'showAgain' line is Required if you want users to have the option of making your popup not activate again.
  9. The last div tag is Required; it is the closing div tag and must not be remove.
  10. Cleanup by removing all these notes and any other visible items you don't want displaying. You can toggle the 'Source' button to see what things look like. Hide the feature title bar by unchecking the 'Show Title' checkbox on the General tab in Settings.